
Frankie Nylon's Screaming Abdabs

[The context is one of those "talking heads" programmes on the history of TV comedy.] VOICEOVER: As the Sixties turned into the Seventies, one show is always remembered as breaking all the conventions - Frankie Nylon's Screaming Abdabs .  The show's best-remembered performer is Terry Cleethorpes. [Caption: "TERRY CLEETHORPES"] TERRY CLEETHORPES: Well, there was Terry Brilliant, who did the drawings, although none of us could understand them.  There were Terry Lines and Terry Payoff, who sat together giggling and annoying the hell out of the rest.  There was Terry Doodle, who sat through rehearsals staring vacantly into space.  And we all miss dear old Terry Madman - I'm sure he did something or other.  But the undoubted star of the show was me, especially after I left. VOICEOVER: The Nylons - as they'll forever be known - changed the face of TV comedy for ever. TERRY CLEETHORPES: When we arrived at the BBC, we were sickened by the establishment attit...